Toyota Corolla Crashes Into Parked 1931 Ford Model A

Years of restoration painfully ends in the hands of a careless, distracted driver.

Have you ever had an old car so precious, you worked hard to bring it back to its original glory while making great memories in the process? William Smith had that, but it has been destroyed altogether, thanks to a careless, distracted driver who crashed into his restored 1931 Model A – the second car Ford has ever made.

Smith faced this painful tragedy on Friday as a Toyota Corolla crashes into his Model A, which is innocently street-parked in Orange, California. He and his dad worked on restoring this classic for two years, after being in their family for forty-five years.

The 87-year-old vehicle was a 16th birthday gift to his father in 1973, which was given to him on his 18th birthday. The car was basically part of their family, but it was only two years ago when he and his father decided to work on fully restoring it back to pristine condition. Smith told The Drive that his dad drove the Model A to high school and college, then it became his daily driver during his time in college and when he’s working. We can just imagine the lot of memories that come with it.

The culprit is a woman driving a Toyota Corolla, which drifted out of lane and smashed into the Model A’s rear corner. This totally wrecked the car, leaving Smith with bent frame and driveshaft, snapped differential, cracked transmission housing, split engine block, and four broken wire wheels. The impact also threw the hood 10 feet away from the car and intensively damaged the body.

Adding insult to the injury, the offender tried to escape the scene, first by backing up, which failed because her car was stuck, then by foot. Thankfully, the police officers caught her later on for questioning, in which she confessed that she was on the phone when the accident happened. Not that it’s a valid excuse but, it’s a clear evidence that distracted driving is something we should avoid at all

Years of restoration painfully ends in the hands of a careless, distracted driver.

Have you ever had an old car so precious, you worked hard to bring it back to its original glory while making great memories in the process? William Smith had that, but it has been destroyed altogether, thanks to a careless, distracted driver who crashed into his restored 1931 Model A – the second car Ford has ever made.

Smith faced this painful tragedy on Friday as a Toyota Corolla crashes into his Model A, which is innocently street-parked in Orange, California. He and his dad worked on restoring this classic for two years, after being in their family for forty-five years.

The 87-year-old vehicle was a 16th birthday gift to his father in 1973, which was given to him on his 18th birthday. The car was basically part of their family, but it was only two years ago when he and his father decided to work on fully restoring it back to pristine condition. Smith told The Drive that his dad drove the Model A to high school and college, then it became his daily driver during his time in college and when he’s working. We can just imagine the lot of memories that come with it.

The culprit is a woman driving a Toyota Corolla, which drifted out of lane and smashed into the Model A’s rear corner. This totally wrecked the car, leaving Smith with bent frame and driveshaft, snapped differential, cracked transmission housing, split engine block, and four broken wire wheels. The impact also threw the hood 10 feet away from the car and intensively damaged the body.

Adding insult to the injury, the offender tried to escape the scene, first by backing up, which failed because her car was stuck, then by foot. Thankfully, the police officers caught her later on for questioning, in which she confessed that she was on the phone when the accident happened. Not that it’s a valid excuse but, it’s a clear evidence that distracted driving is something we should avoid at all


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